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Your Loss AH | Folsom Boudoir Photography

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Folsom Boudoir Photography After a Breakup


When Ms W contacted us for a Folsom boudoir photography session, she had in mind a special, for-his-eyes-only Christmas gift for her man. Unfortunately, the relationship took a turn the night before her session, but we were able to prove the point that, ultimately, a Folsom boudoir photography session is for YOU, even if it is “for him”.

If you could give your Folsom boudoir photography session a title, what would it be?

Your Loss Asshole… haha!!

What was your biggest fear before hiring us for your Folsom boudoir photography session? Did it come true, and if not, what happened instead?

What I probably feared the most was thinking I’d be too self-conscious and not being comfortable in front of the camera, because I knew it would reflect in the pictures. I’ve never done anything like this, so I was a tad out of my comfort zone and on top of that, I had a horrible day before and didn’t sleep well at all. (Basically I felt like I was a hot mess)

But after hair and makeup, and a glass of bubbly I was in much better spirits! She did such an amazing job and looked flawless….the kind where you stop and to a double take in the mirror and say daaaammmmnnnn….. 😉

I was still emotional from the night before and not too long into the shoot, Jillian stopped and had a “girl pep talk”… if you may…that caught me off guard. She had such a warm approach and genuinely cared. She gave me some advice I will honestly carry with me forever. And from then on, the rest of the shoot went amazing and we had so much fun. I started out so shy and always covering up and by the end…had no problem walking around in my birthday suit. Lol

What, specifically, was your favorite part of your Folsom boudoir photography session, and why?

My favorite part was Jillian making her “meow” sex kitten noises (you’ll know what I’m talking about about when you meet her….lmao) when she got a great shot. Then she’d only show me a limited few pics…(to keep them a surprise) but I kept saying…uh…that’s not me…and in her “Jillian voice”…”that’s you, that’s you.” She’s hilarious! Love her!

What advice would you give to someone considering booking a Folsom boudoir photography appointment? 

GO FOR IT!!!! It’s not just a photo shoot, it’s a life changing experience…It really is.

What responses did you get from your Beloved/friends/family about your images from your Folsom boudoir photography session?

“Whoa”…. “Holy Shit”….”damnnnn” …”what’s her number…?” 🙂

What types of negative things (if any) did you tell yourself before your session (ie I don’t look like a model, I should lose x lbs, I have stretch marks, too old, etc.)?

Stretch Marks, being thinner, wanting to hide “this and that” in the pics with certain poses. And I would never publicly admit this, but the pictures speak for themselves.

What did your Folsom boudoir photography experience do to silence those doubts?

Jillian can sure work a camera and has such an eye for this it’s crazy and she’ll tell you to move this way or that (and sometimes will make you feel like a damn Ostrich!!) But she knows what she’s doing and the pics come out so beautiful.

She isn’t just a professional photographer, you can tell she has a passion for her work that inevitability shows. She’s so sweet and makes you feel so comfortable and truly embraces you as a woman no matter what “flaws” you think you have.

What did you take away from your experience that surprised you the most?

How beautiful I am and how she made me feel beautiful–and didn’t think I was to begin with.


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