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Jillian todd


Video Q & A

These videos will answer the majority of frequently asked questions. You can watch them all or the ones that match what questions YOU have right now.

When you’re finished, use the link at the bottom of the page to contact us. You’ll receive an email back with more information and a link to our calendar where you can schedule a no obligation consultation (in studio or by phone).

Frequently Asked Questions​

Are the women on your site models? I’m not photogenic.

No, every woman on my website is just like you: an “every day woman”. They are wives, moms, women celebrating milestones, women who want to give their Beloved a gift of themselves…women who just want to pamper themselves and enjoy a day of beauty. Every woman has said the same things to me before her session: “I hate having my photo taken. I’m not photogenic; I look terrible in photos.” And every one has said the same thing after their session: “Oh my god I can’t believe how beautiful I look!”

I need to lose 5 (or 10, or 15) more pounds, so I’m concerned my pictures won’t look good.

Every day, I shoot women of all ages, shapes, ages and sizes and I believe Portrait Couture is for everyone. You are here to be transformed from the outside in. Time will pass whether or not you lose the weight, so my philosophy is live today, embrace yourself today. That being said, if you *really* want to wait until you lose those last few pounds, schedule now for three months away. It will be a great motivator!

How will I know if I look good? I don’t know how to make the expressions or poses I see on your site.

Many of my clients are afraid they don’t know how to pose, or how to relax their expression or even how to not smile into the camera. Most come in with a sense of both excitement and nervousness. I promise I will coach you every step of the way! I don’t tell you how to move your body: I walk you through every step and you just mirror me. We’ll be laughing together in no time!

Do you shoot nude photos?

Yes, let me know what ideas you have and we can chat about it.

Do you airbrush my photos?

Yes. However, I do not change you into someone you’re not. Your skin will never come close to looking like a Barbie; you are already beautiful just as you are, no matter your age, shape or size. My goal is to capture the inner light that is YOU; the one your loved ones see. My hope and intention is that through this experience, you will see yourself as you truly are: absolutely beautiful!

How much time should I set aside for my session?

Depending on which session you choose, we will run between two and a half and four hours. I highly recommend you make plans to enjoy the whole day and evening: schedule a night out so you can take advantage of your beautiful hair and makeup!

What should I bring to wear?

Every woman is different. Some feel their most beautiful in jeans, others in lingerie or formal gowns. Bring whatever makes you feel GOOD. We will go over your wardrobe in our style consult, and if you aren’t sure about an outfit, you can always text me a picture and we can chat about it! When you get here, we’ll go through your selections together and decide what to use. Many women show up at the studio with suitcases because they just can’t decide! It’s perfectly fine to bring everything you like—it’ll just take a bit more time to whittle the selections down.

Do you have outfits in the studio I can wear?

I do have pieces here you can wear for your session: mostly dresses, vintage slips, tulle skirts and some babydoll lingerie. I have a wide variety of accessories we can use to change up your look with each wardrobe change.

What is your reservation policy?

Your retainer is due at scheduling, and reserves your appointment. The retainer must be submitted upon booking your session; otherwise the date and time will not be considered reserved. Because reserving your date and time requires us to turn away other clients on that date, the retainer is non-refundable.

I need a Saturday appointment, but I see you’re only open M-F, can I get a Saturday?

Saturday appointments can be arranged with at least six weeks’ notice. Saturdays also require an additional $200 reservation retainer.

What if I have to reschedule?

Since “life happens” you are able to apply your retainer to another date with 48 hours’ notice, one time. Subsequent re-schedules will require a new retainer.

How and when will I see my images from my photo session?

We will schedule your order session within fourteen days of your session. In the studio, we’ll go through the images together and choose your favorites, as well as the products you’d like to put them in. Don’t be surprised if it’s a difficult thing to do and that you love and want ALL of your images!

What if I’m from out of town and can’t come back to the studio?

I can either have a “virtual reveal” with you on a Skype or Google+ video call, or I can provide you with an online gallery. Both require a $350.00 deposit, which is applied to your final order.

What if I don’t want you to use my pictures on your site?

Every woman you see on my website has signed a specific model release and has given me permission to use her photos. It is entirely up to you whether or not you want to have your photos on the site.

Does the session come with any products?

Your retainer covers services: consultation, guidance leading up to your session, pro styling, your toes to nose posing guidance through your camera session, pro retouching, and your ordering session including album design.

Images are sold separately.

Please visit the Investment Page for product ideas, you’ll want a beautiful souvenir of your experience.

Do you have any specials?

I don’t announce specials on my site, though I do occasionally run them. Be sure to sign up for the newsletter to be on the list; that’s the only place you’ll hear about them!

Okay, I’m ready to book my session; what do I next?

Contact me so we can design your session and we’ll get you scheduled! Your appointment is considered reserved when we receive your retainer and paperwork, so let’s get started, shall we?
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