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M’s Makeover Photo Shoot

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Glamour Photography Sacramento

The first time I heard from M, it was through an email that completely broke my heart. She talked about how, basically, she hated the way she looked.

I’m not doing this for any occasion.  I now come to the point where I don’t want any pictures of myself taken.  I am literally a picture crasher.  When I’m in a group picture, I stick out like a sore thumb.  Everybody is natural and smiles beautifully, there I am looking like a monkey showing its teeth. (WHOA!)

I tried two big picture sessions in the past, with full hair and make up done.  In the first session, the hair and makeup made me look 20 years older (I kid you not).  I quietly hid those pictures from my family and friends.  I looked younger in the second picture session…a young err…hooker (well, I lied; I just looked like a show girl).  The makeup was so dramatic, no one could recognize me, and I looked exactly like a show girl.  Two bad experiences killed my passion in portrait picture. 

I believe the third time is a charm.  It has got to work this time.  And I know I have found the right person YOU, to bring out my expressions, my inner beauty; please show me what I have, which I myself can’t see.  Your gallery and your blog blew me away.  Seeing your gallery helped me see beauty being captured through the lenses.  And I’ve decided to try it.  

Please check your schedule to see if you have any spot for me soon.  Please don’t let me wait for months; your gallery stirs up my passion.  I’m so excited that I want to have a session done right now!  

The pressure was obviously ON.  We set up a time and I asked her questions about which images she loved the best, what she would like to highlight, what she would like to distract from, and which part of her personality she would like to shine through…

I have too many flaws, I don’t know where to start. I am petite, so I think my legs are too short. My ab is far from being toned and flat, and my breasts are small. My skin is in its worse condition, because I started to develope adult acne since last year. My face has so many acne scars. My eyes are typical small Asian eyes. My nose is flat. Honestly, I don’t know what good features I have to showcase.

She had included photos of herself for me to get a peek at her, since we did the full consultation over the phone and email, not something I like to do, but had no choice due to her crazy schedule).  I opened them up, thinking, c’mon, it really can’t be so horrible.  My jaw dropped!  She was ADORABLE.  Absolutely beautiful.  I couldn’t reconcile the description she gave of herself with the photos she sent me. I was literally in tears.

When she entered the studio, I scolded her for saying such horrible things to herself and about herself. I asked her to leave all the criticism at the door, and just trust me to pamper her, make her comfortable, and let her spirit shine through.  We had a FABULOUS time. She relaxed more and more throughout the session, and I caught quite a few smiles!

During the session, I showed her just a tiny peek at the display on my camera. She looked so excited to see them! Pure relief and excitement for me. She was starting to see herself more clearly…When she left, she seemed to be walking on AIR.

Later, as I was working on her images, I received this email:

You know, I wish I could do that everyday, though my muscles were so sore a few days after that.  I really had a great time and too much fun.  Peeking at the pictures you took and my other pictures in the past, I see a transformation.  I’m so proud of myself for a decision to come to you.  Can’t wait to see the final pictures! 

Thank you again for bringing out the best in me.

When she saw her gallery, she finally saw herself the way I saw her from the beginning: beautiful.  I do believe you’ll agree!

Glamour Photos

Glamour Photos

portfolio test 2 up

I would be ever so grateful for your comments and +1s so I can show her that she has so much more support than she can imagine!



  1. Shawn November 4, 2011 at 11:11 am


  2. Anonymous November 7, 2011 at 9:44 am

    Your beauty from within shines through this photo, as Shawn says “stunning!” .

  3. Tina Nepsund John November 9, 2011 at 12:30 pm

    We are our own worst enemy, she is beautiful!

  4. […] beautiful or pretty or acceptable by the people who loved them most. They come to see me with their hang-ups, their suitcases full of a spectrum of different clothes, shoes, accessories and lingerie.  I […]

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