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Self-Care During the COVID Holidays

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The world may not agree on much, but it seems that everyone can come together on the fact that 2020 has been a VERY hard year. And even though I think we are all looking forward to some holiday cheer, it doesn’t come without its stresses. So how do we practice self-care during the COVID holidays this year? I’ve got some self-care tips to get you through this season.

Honestly, this can be a list of how to care for yourself any time of the year (2020 or not), but having this reminder doesn’t hurt.

How to Practice Self-Care During the COVID Holidays:

Tip #1: Take Some Time to Think About and Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is just as important for those around you as it is for yourself. Especially during the holidays, reduce the stress by thinking about the boundaries that you need to set for yourself and communicate them to your loved ones.

If you’re suffering financially, don’t add more stress to the holiday season. Explain to your family the boundaries you are holding yourself to with gift giving.

If seeing certain people this year is going to add more anxiety than not, you may need to reevaluate how you are going to spend your precious time as we round out 2020.

If you need time to yourself more often for your mental health, communicate that with your immediate family. It’s better than the tension boiling up in your own heart and then bursting when your family isn’t expecting it.

women with cozy white sweater holding a red coffee mug

Tip #2: Soak in a Epsom Salt Bath at Least Once a Week

Let’s get girly here. Treat yourself like a goddess at least once a week, if not more, by relaxing in an Epsom salt bath. Play the spa music, put in all the bubbles, light the candles, drop in some essential oils…even grab the glass of wine.

Tell your significant other that you are going to disappear for a bit and enjoy your guilt free self-care time.

women with cozy white sweater holding a red coffee mug

Tip #3: Consider What You’re Thankful For

I know it seems obvious given since there is typically an emphasis on thankfulness and gratitude this time of year…but in all of the gift searching and buying, the decorating, the cooking, and the preparation, sometimes thankfulness doesn’t end up being a priority.

However, practicing gratitude is known to reduce stress and anxiety and makes such a positive impact on our mental wellbeing. If you don’t have a gratitude journal already, start one this season. Write at least 2 things you are grateful for every single day. It will work wonders. Especially now during the COVID holidays.

women with cozy white sweater holding a red coffee mug

Tip #4: Create a Playlist that Makes You Happy

Music can do wonders for the soul. If blasting Christmas music for the remainder of 2020 is going to make you happy, then TURN UP THE VOLUME! If you are feeling nostalgic and feel like listening to music for your college days, go for it! And if listening to relaxing instrumental music is going to get you through this crazy holiday season, more power to you.

The point is, take a night to create your perfect 2020 COVID Holiday playlist that will uplift your soul, get you excited to cook, bake, wrap presents, have dance parties with the family, and all of the other fun parts of this time of year.

women with cozy white sweater holding a red coffee mug

Tip #5: Don’t Let the Food Get You Down

Hasn’t this year been hard enough? Please don’t allow your own mind to guilt you about all of the treats this year. Enjoy yourself. Know your limits. Plan ahead. Enjoy the piece of pie in peace. You know yourself best when it comes to your relationship with food. I encourage you to take a step back to consider how you approach your holiday meals because feeling guilty on either end of the spectrum is not healthy.

women with cozy white sweater holding a red coffee mug

Tip #6: Read a Book for Fun

Sometimes cozying up with a blanket, some coffee, and a good book is just what the self-care doctor ordered. Sometimes the weight of the world becomes a bit too much, so escaping to another one for just a bit can give your overworked brain a break.

If reading isn’t your thing, maybe it’s time to pick up an old hobby of yours. What is something that you enjoy doing and haven’t had the time for it lately? Make time for the things that bring you joy.

women with cozy white sweater holding a red coffee mug

We can get through the COVID holidays!

Don’t let 2020 get the best of you this COVID holiday season. Things aren’t the way we expected. Dwelling on the not so good things will have a negative impact on your mental and even physical health. Let’s round out the year by taking care of yourself so that you can pour out that love to the ones closest to you.

Ok, 2021, we are ready for you!


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